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Werewolf Promotion – WP151, Sword Productions – SWO-037
Side A
1. Falsa luz
2. Golpea el martillo
3. Cristo es debilidad
Side B
4. La estirpe del sol vuelve a resurgir
5. Contra la cruz
6. Odín nos guía a la gloria
WP173 / FIRE TAPE N° 24 / SOLACE095
Side A
1. За утренним туманом (Beyond the Morning Mist)
2. Былина о Всеславе (Saga of Vseslav)
3. Чёрный лес (Black Wood)
4. Пламень и лёд (Flame and Ice)
Side B
5. Костры (Fires)
6. Колесница солнца (Chariot of the Sun)
7. На рубеже (At the Boundary)
8. Дикая охота (Wild Hunt)
1. Green and Black Seen as One (The First Leaves)
2. Unknown Woods Whisper My Name
3. Autumn Storm
4. Werewolf Archetype
5. Last Battalion
6. Alone (Goatmoon cover)
1. Purifier par le feu I
2. Spears of Death
3. Hrodwulf the Great
4. Crom, dieu des Summériens
5. Mourning Soul (Absurd cover)
6. Purifier par le feu II
Varg Vikernes
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